Rhinitis and cold due to cold feet
A study by Ronald Eccles of the Cardiff University in Wales now scientifically proves the relation between cold feet and a cold: He divided 180 healthy students into two groups. The one half had to spend 20 minutes barefoot in a bowel with water at a temperature of 50F. The other half of students stood in an empty bucket with shoes on (control group). The health status of all participants was documented with the help of a questionnaire for the next five days. Immediately following the footbath there were no differences between the two groups. During the following five days the cold rate in both groups increased: In the cold water group 13 students caught a cold, in the control group 5 students got sick. This scientifically proved that cold feet lead to colds more frequently than warm ones do! Source: Family Practice, 22, 2005, 608-613 |
We asked Dr.med. Zrim for the health aspect of the Thermo Soles and about the problem of cold feet:
"In cold surroundings the feet are the first part of the body that become cold. The body centralises the circulation, the legs do not receive as much blood circulation. However, especially in cold weather one would have to bring more blood into the leg muscles to increase the capacity and prevent muscle damages. But actually it is so easy to keep the circulation in adequate boundaries: keep your feet warm! You do not have to sweat to achieve the health-promoting effect: already a few additional degrees on the soles of your feet are sufficient to increase the circulation of the entire leg, because the largest contact area of the body with the cold ground (e.g. during skiing) is the sole of your foot! A heating shoe sole balances the entire effect of a cold ground and normalises the circulation, because the standing area on cold ground is fully omitted. The acra (toes, fingers, tips of nose and ears) are the first body parts that suffer from frostbite due to the exposure. Usually it gets the toes first, because these have the closest contact to the snow: Also in this case a sole heating helps simply and efficiently."
Dr. med Robert Zrim from L.A.
Now the Thermo Soles are available at a price of $99.00 ($129.00), you save $30.00.